Website Review

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Website review

 Generated on April 13 2021 23:56 PM

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The score is 66/100

SEO Content


netcup GmbH - Ihr Partner fuer Webhosting, vServer, Server, managed Server, Domains, Groupware, SSL-Zertifikate, Software, Servermanagement uvm.

Length : 144

Ideally, your title should contain between 10 and 70 characters (spaces included). Use this free tool to calculate text length.

Webhosting, Server, Domains, Managementdienste, einfach alles fuer einen erfolgreichen Internetauftritt

Length : 103

Great, your meta description contains between 70 and 160 characters.

webhosting, domains, colocation, email, imap, penetrationtesting, guenstig, angebot, php, perl, mysql, server, verser, managed, management, dienste, service, webdesign, programmierung, shop, web, net, netcup, fphost, provider, sicherheitscheck, wartungsservice, installationen, kostenlos, umsonst, individuell, suchmaschinen, optimierung, speicherplatz, datenbankanwendungen, content, management, system, cms, internetseite, internet, webseite, de, karlsruhe, rechenzentrum

Good, your page contains meta keywords.
Og Meta Properties Good, your page take advantage of Og Properties.
Property Content
type website
title netcup GmbH - Ihr Partner fuer Webhosting, vServer, Server, managed Server, Domains, Groupware, SSL-Zertifikate, Software, Servermanagement uvm.
locale de_DE
description Webhosting, Server, Domains, Managementdienste, einfach alles fuer einen erfolgreichen Internetauftritt
site_name netcup
image /static/assets/images/header/og-6.png
H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6
7 4 0 1 0 0
  • [H1] Wir sind Webhoster des Jahres 2015 - 2020
  • [H1] Wir sind Webhoster des Jahres 2015 - 2020
  • [H1] Webhosting mit Qualität
  • [H1] Root-Server
  • [H1] Groupware
  • [H1] Domains
  • [H1] Sonderangebote
  • [H2] Über netcup
  • [H2] Aktuell bei netcup:
  • [H2] Mehrfach ausgezeichnet
  • [H2] Weitere News
  • [H4] Frohe Ostern 2021! Die Ostereiersuche hat begonnen
Images We found 33 images on this web page.

1 alt attributes are empty or missing. Add alternative text so that search engines can better understand the content of your images.
Text/HTML Ratio Ratio : 31%

Ideal! This page's ratio of text to HTML code is between 25 and 70 percent.
Flash Terrible, you have Flash content, this mean that for search engines hard to understand your content.
Iframe Great, there are no Iframes detected on this page.

URL Rewrite Good. Your links looks friendly!
Underscores in the URLs Perfect! No underscores detected in your URLs.
In-page links We found a total of 59 links including 0 link(s) to files

Anchor Type Juice
Jobs bei netcup: Internal Passing Juice
Supportmitarbeiter (m/w/d) Internal Passing Juice
Systemadministrator (m/w/d) Internal Passing Juice
EN External Passing Juice
Support External Passing Juice
Über uns External Passing Juice
CCP Login External Passing Juice
Jobs External Passing Juice
Warenkorb External Passing Juice
- External Passing Juice
Webhosting External Passing Juice
Application Hosting External Passing Juice
Qualitätsgarantie External Passing Juice
Webhostingtestaccount External Passing Juice
Server External Passing Juice
Root-Server External Passing Juice
Storage External Passing Juice
Domains External Passing Juice
Länder Domains External Passing Juice
Globale Domains External Passing Juice
Neue Domains External Passing Juice
Reseller Angebote External Passing Juice
SSL-Zertifikate External Passing Juice
Übersicht External Passing Juice
Thawte External Passing Juice
RapidSSL External Passing Juice
GEO Trust External Passing Juice
Software External Passing Juice
Sonstiges External Passing Juice
netcup PRO External Passing Juice
Dedizierte Server External Passing Juice
Managed Server External Passing Juice
Managed private Server External Passing Juice
Managed dedizierte Server External Passing Juice
Managed Cloud Cluster External Passing Juice
Colocation External Passing Juice
Softwareentwicklung External Passing Juice
Sonderangebote External Passing Juice
Supportanfrage External Passing Juice
Supportanfrage External Passing Juice
Postanschrift External Passing Juice
Telefon External Passing Juice
Datenschutz External Passing Juice
Impressum External Passing Juice
vServer-Angebote > Internal Passing Juice
Root-Server-Angebote > Internal Passing Juice
Domain-Angebote > Internal Passing Juice
Webhosting-Angebote > Internal Passing Juice
vollständige Domainpreisliste Internal Passing Juice
Mehr über netcup > Internal Passing Juice
weiter lesen > External Passing Juice
Zur Newsübersicht > External Passing Juice
Zu den Auszeichnungen > Internal Passing Juice
weiter lesen > External Passing Juice
weiter lesen > External Passing Juice
AGB Internal Passing Juice
Datenschutz Internal Passing Juice
Impressum Internal Passing Juice
Disclaimer Internal Passing Juice

SEO Keywords

Keywords Cloud und hat bieten mit domains webhosting netcup auf wir server
Keywords Consistency
Keyword Content Title Keywords Description Headings
netcup 14
und 14
domains 12
wir 11
auf 10


Url Domain :
Length : 10
Favicon Great, your website has a favicon.
Printability We could not find a Print-Friendly CSS.
Language Good. Your declared language is de.
Dublin Core This page does not take advantage of Dublin Core.


Doctype HTML 5
Encoding Perfect. Your declared charset is UTF-8.
W3C Validity Errors : 8
Warnings : 7
Email Privacy Great no email address has been found in plain text!
Deprecated HTML Great! We haven't found deprecated HTML tags in your HTML.
Speed Tips
Excellent, your website doesn't use nested tables.
Too bad, your website is using inline styles.
Great, your website has few CSS files.
Perfect, your website has few JavaScript files.
Too bad, your website does not take advantage of gzip.


Mobile Optimization
Apple Icon
Meta Viewport Tag
Flash content


XML Sitemap Missing

Your website does not have an XML sitemap - this can be problematic.

A sitemap lists URLs that are available for crawling and can include additional information like your site's latest updates, frequency of changes and importance of the URLs. This allows search engines to crawl the site more intelligently.

Great, your website has a robots.txt file.
Analytics Great, your website has an analytics tool.


PageSpeed Insights


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