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Imogen Allen, Website Strategist and Creator of The WIF® on a quest to champion websites with a human approach and stop the stress of content acquisition for every web agency on every project.
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Umbrella Digital Media
Umbrella Digital Media | Imogen Allen | WIF®
Imogen Allen, Website Strategist and Creator of The WIF® on a quest to champion websites with a human approach and stop the stress of content acquisition for every web agency on every project.
[H2] I'm on a quest to stop the stress of content acquisition for every web agency on every project.
[H2] Is Getting Content From Your Web Clients A Nightmare?
[H2] Why Are You Here?
[H2] The Problem Is Not Content
[H2] Use The WIF® Formula and Create the Best Homepage for Your Clients
[H2] I'm a Website Strategist...with a Human Approach
[H2] Let Me Introduce Myself
[H2] We Are Better Together
[H2] YOU Can Be The Expert
[H2] Use The WIF® Formula and Create the Best Homepage for Your Clients
[H2] What Others Say About The WIF®
[H2] Read All About It
[H2] So, How Can I Help?
[H3] The 8 Homepage Fundamentals
[H3] for Web Agencies
[H3] I'm a web agency owner looking for a process
[H3] I'm a web agency owner and need to develop our process
[H3] I run my own business and I need a website
[H3] Here's me.
[H3] Here are my girls.
[H3] Articulate
[H3] Nurture
[H3] Empower
[H3] The Biggest Mistake to Make on a Website Homepage
[H3] I’m Hiring! Is It You I’m Looking For?
[H3] Why You Need To Be You
[H4] Who On Earth is Imogen Allen?
[H4] What Do You Want to Learn?
[H4] Why All the Fuss About The WIF®?
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