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History of the Atlantic Cable & Submarine Telegraphy

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History and development of the atlantic telegraph cable and submarine telegraphy; sources for books and information

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Texte d'ancre Type Juice
Atlantic Telegraph Company stock certificate dated 19th May 1858 Interne Passing Juice
Master Index Interne Passing Juice
History of the Atlantic Cable enterprise, 1850-1858 Interne Passing Juice
The 1858 cable history as it happened Interne Passing Juice
Master Timeline Interne Passing Juice
Cyrus Field Photographs and Portraits Interne Passing Juice
Cyrus Field Medals Interne Passing Juice
Cyrus Field’s Descendants Interne Passing Juice
The Brothers Field Interne Passing Juice
Cyrus Field Family Portraits Interne Passing Juice
Main Reference Bibliography Interne Passing Juice
Current Bibliography Interne Passing Juice
Additional Bibliography Interne Passing Juice
Book Cover Images Interne Passing Juice
Cable Company Book Advertisements Interne Passing Juice
Atlantic Cable Sheet Music Interne Passing Juice
Images, brief biographies, and autographs of the men who pioneered and promoted the cable industry Interne Passing Juice
A chronological record of every major submarine communications cable Interne Passing Juice
cable signalling speeds Interne Passing Juice
cable design features Interne Passing Juice
cable recovery Interne Passing Juice
Bill Glover’s History of Cable & Wireless Interne Passing Juice
Cable Ships Interne Passing Juice
Personal stories and photographs of the cable industry, shared by site visitors. Interne Passing Juice
Submarine Cable Stamps and First Day Covers Interne Passing Juice
Atlantic Cable Broadsides 1856-66 Interne Passing Juice
Cable Equipment and Cable Samples Interne Passing Juice
Early Cable Instruments Externe Passing Juice
Memorabilia, Ephemera, and Promotional Material Interne Passing Juice
1858 Cable Souvenir Advertisements Interne Passing Juice
A guide to the differences between power and communications cables Interne Passing Juice
Mystery Cable at Porthcurno Telegraph Museum Interne Passing Juice
Back Reflections Interne Passing Juice
Major Submarine System Suppliers (1850 -2012) Interne Passing Juice
The Atlantic Telegraph Cables Trail Interne Passing Juice
Cable Route Maps - from the first Atlantic Cable to present Interne Passing Juice
Cable Manufacturing & Laying Companies and Cable Stations Interne Passing Juice
IEEE Conference on the History of Telecommunications Interne Passing Juice
"Online - 150 Years on the Net" Interne Passing Juice
150 Years Of Industry & Enterprise At Enderby’s Wharf Interne Passing Juice
The Atlantic Cable Medal of 1866 Interne Passing Juice
Distant Writing - The Telegraph Companies in Britain between 1838 and 1868 Externe Passing Juice
Precursor to the Electric Telegraph Interne Passing Juice
Early Landline Telegraph Cables Interne Passing Juice
Distant Writing - The Telegraph Companies in Britain between 1838 and 1868 Interne Passing Juice
Origins of the Submarine Cable Industry in Britain Interne Passing Juice
Fleming Centenary Conference Externe Passing Juice
Cyrus Field, Paper Merchant Interne Passing Juice
On the Submarine Telegraph Interne Passing Juice
The Gutta Percha Company Interne Passing Juice
Early British Experiments in Submarine Telegraphy Interne Passing Juice
Horatio Hubbell and his claim to be the originator of the Atlantic Cable Interne Passing Juice
Joseph Hyppolyte Pulte and the land route to Europe Interne Passing Juice
Wire Rope and the Submarine Cable Industry Interne Passing Juice
The 1850 Dover-Calais Cable Interne Passing Juice
The Submarine Telegraph Company Interne Passing Juice
1850 & 1851 Dover-Calais Cables Interne Passing Juice
Anglo-Irish Cables Interne Passing Juice
The Electric Telegraph Interne Passing Juice
Shaffner and Sleeth’s Ohio River Cable at Paducah Interne Passing Juice
The Atlantic Cable Projectors Interne Passing Juice
European Sub-Marine Telegraph Interne Passing Juice
Marshall Lefferts at the American Geographical and Statistical Society Interne Passing Juice
Laying the Atlantic Telegraph Cable from Ship to Shore Interne Passing Juice
Professor Hall’s Floating Telegraph Stations Interne Passing Juice
On Submerging Telegraphic Cables Interne Passing Juice
he Northern Land Route Interne Passing Juice
Henry Field’s Summer Pictures Interne Passing Juice
The Cable Celebration in New York City Interne Passing Juice
Speech by David Dudley Field Interne Passing Juice
Robert Merry’s Museum Interne Passing Juice
On the Maintenance and Durability of Submarine Cables in Shallow Waters Interne Passing Juice
Deep-Sea Telegraphs Externe Passing Juice
Henry O’Rielly and the Russo-American Telegraph Interne Passing Juice
Cyrus Field at the American Geographical and Statistical Society Interne Passing Juice
Cyrus Field at the New-York Chamber of Commerce Interne Passing Juice
Telegraphy and the Atlantic Cable in the U.S. Capitol Dome Interne Passing Juice
Russell: The Atlantic Telegraph Externe Passing Juice
Original letter from Sir Daniel Gooch Interne Passing Juice
The 1865 Atlantic Cable Interne Passing Juice
John C. Deane’s Diary Interne Passing Juice
Letter from Sir Robert Peel Interne Passing Juice
Paper by William Thomson Interne Passing Juice
The Recovery of the Cable Interne Passing Juice
Submarine Telegraphy at the Paris Universal Exhibition Interne Passing Juice
The First French Atlantic Cable Interne Passing Juice
James Nicol: cableship voyages Interne Passing Juice
Remarks of Mr Cyrus W. Field at the International Telegraphic Conference Interne Passing Juice
Submarine Cables Interne Passing Juice
The Laying of the Ocean Cable Interne Passing Juice
25th Anniversary Celebration Invitation Interne Passing Juice
Speech by David Dudley Field Interne Passing Juice
The Second French Cable Interne Passing Juice
Facts and Observations Relating to the Invention of the Submarine Cable Interne Passing Juice
On The Causes Of Failure Of Deep-Sea Cables Interne Passing Juice
A Visit to the Works of Messrs. Siemens Bros. Interne Passing Juice
Life on the Atlantic Telegraph Company’s Valentia Cable Station Interne Passing Juice
Government Telegraphy Interne Passing Juice
Captain Basil Combe Interne Passing Juice
The India-rubber, Gutta-percha, and Telegraph Works Company, Limited (Silvertown) Interne Passing Juice
The Submarine Cables Trust Interne Passing Juice
With a Cable Expedition Interne Passing Juice
The Submarine Telegraphs of the World Interne Passing Juice
Cyrus Field’s Will Interne Passing Juice
The Submarine Cables of the World Interne Passing Juice
Cables Under The Ocean Interne Passing Juice
Summary of the Progress of Submarine Telegraphy Interne Passing Juice
Nerves of the World Interne Passing Juice
At an Atlantic Cable Station Interne Passing Juice
Repairing a Break Interne Passing Juice
The Making and Laying of an Atlantic Cable Interne Passing Juice
Making and Laying an Atlantic Cable Interne Passing Juice
Cable-Cutting At Cienfuegos Interne Passing Juice
Submarine Cable Laying Interne Passing Juice
Submarine Telegraph Lines Interne Passing Juice
Telegraph Cables Interne Passing Juice
The Projected Cable-Line to the Philippines Interne Passing Juice
How Cables Unite The World Interne Passing Juice
Auction Sale of Cyrus Field’s Correspondence and Papers Interne Passing Juice
Walter Claypoole Interne Passing Juice
The Battle of Cocos Interne Passing Juice
How submarine cables are made, laid, operated and repaired Interne Passing Juice
Submarine Telegraph Cables Interne Passing Juice
Laying a Deep-Sea Cable Line Delicate and Dangerous Job Interne Passing Juice
Electrical Communications Interne Passing Juice
On Board the Cable Ship Interne Passing Juice
Cable Chess Match Interne Passing Juice
Post Office Green Papers Interne Passing Juice
The Future of Transoceanic Telephony Interne Passing Juice
Theirs the Job to Keep the Cables Mended Interne Passing Juice
Cable Station RM Interne Passing Juice
Cable & Wireless - Communications Old And New Interne Passing Juice
Undersea Cable Interne Passing Juice
Undersea Cable Systems - A Survey Interne Passing Juice
Tiffany Cable Samples Interne Passing Juice
The Transatlantic Cable Stations - An Irish Perspective Interne Passing Juice
London And North Western Railway Telegraph Rules And Regulations Interne Passing Juice
Lords of Lightning Externe Passing Juice
Find Latitude and Longitude Externe Passing Juice
Les Amis Des Câbles Sous-Marin Externe Passing Juice
Aronsson’s Telecom History Timeline Externe Passing Juice
Ascension Island Heritage Society Externe Passing Juice
The Atlantic Cable Externe Passing Juice
Atlantic Cable Souvenirs Externe Passing Juice
Cuming Museum Externe Passing Juice
Atlantic Sentinel Externe Passing Juice
Bamfield Cable Station Externe Passing Juice
Bay Roberts Cable Station Externe Passing Juice
Cabot Strait Telegraph Cable 1856 Externe Passing Juice
Canso Cable Station Externe Passing Juice
The Chapin Library Externe Passing Juice
Gustavo Coll’s Signa Telegraph Collection Externe Passing Juice
Connecting the Continent Externe Passing Juice
County Kerry Transatlantic Cable Stations Externe Passing Juice
Donard de Cogan’s Papers Externe Passing Juice
Early Submarine Telegraphy Companies Externe Passing Juice
The Electromagnetic Telegraph Externe Passing Juice
Engaging with Communications Externe Passing Juice
French Cable Station Museum Externe Passing Juice
The Great Transatlantic Cable Externe Passing Juice
DVD available from Amazon Externe Passing Juice
Greg’s Cable Map Externe Passing Juice
The Greenwich Industrial History Society Externe Passing Juice
Robert Halpin and Tinakilly House Externe Passing Juice
A History of the Telegraph in Jersey Externe Passing Juice
ICPC Externe Passing Juice
ICPC souvenir items Interne Passing Juice
IEEE Heart’s Content Cable Station History Externe Passing Juice
IEEE History Center Externe Passing Juice
IET (formerly IEE) Archives Externe Passing Juice
research guide to submarine telegraphy Externe Passing Juice
IET archives search Externe Passing Juice
IET History of Technology Network page Externe Passing Juice
Indicator Loops Externe Passing Juice
Industrial research at the Eastern Telegraph Company, 1872–1929 Externe Passing Juice
Kelvin letters and papers at the University of Glasgow Externe Passing Juice
comprehensive site on William Thomson, Lord Kelvin Externe Passing Juice
The Kelvin Society Externe Passing Juice
Clarence H. Mackay and the Commercial Cable Company Externe Passing Juice
this section on cable history Externe Passing Juice
Samuel Morse Historic Site at Locust Grove, Poughkeepsie Externe Passing Juice
Morsemad Externe Passing Juice
Mother Earth Mother Board Externe Passing Juice
Mumford Books Externe Passing Juice
N7CFO Homepage Externe Passing Juice
New Wireless Pioneers Externe Passing Juice
The Old Cable House Externe Passing Juice
The Pickering Family History Externe Passing Juice
Porthcurno Telegraph Museum Externe Passing Juice
on-line catalog Externe Passing Juice
Repeat Please - The Laying of the First Telegraph Cable across the Atlantic Externe Passing Juice
Google translation of the article Externe Passing Juice
Picture Library Externe Passing Juice
Information Age gallery Externe Passing Juice
Cable Externe Passing Juice
many objects from the exhibit Externe Passing Juice
this article by curator Tilly Blyth Externe Passing Juice
Scientific Use of Fiber-Optic Submarine Telecommunications Cable Systems Externe Passing Juice
Shipping Wonders of the World Externe Passing Juice
Underwater Web: Cabling the Seas Externe Passing Juice
2016 exhibit for the 150th anniversary of the 1866 Atlantic cable Externe Passing Juice
Straight CW-Corner Externe Passing Juice Externe Passing Juice
Submarine Cable Telegraphy Demo Externe Passing Juice
Sparks Telegraph Key Review Externe Passing Juice
Submarine Telecoms Forum Externe Passing Juice
The TCI Library Externe Passing Juice
Telecom Diges Externe Passing Juice
Telecommunications and the Natural History of São Tomé and Príncipe Externe Passing Juice
The Telecommunications Heritage Group Externe Passing Juice
Telecommunications Technology and History Externe Passing Juice
TeleGeography’s cable map Externe Passing Juice
Telegraph Equipment Externe Passing Juice
The Telegraph Field Externe Passing Juice
Telegraph-History Externe Passing Juice
Telegraphic Codes and Message Practice Externe Passing Juice
Telegraph Lore Externe Passing Juice
Fons Vanden Berghen’s extensive collection Externe Passing Juice
Telegraphy - Vanden Berghen Externe Passing Juice
The Telegraph Office Externe Passing Juice
submarine telegraphy section Externe Passing Juice
Telegraphic Key Collection Externe Passing Juice
UK Cable Locations Externe Passing Juice
UK Submarine Cable Landings & Cable Stations Externe Passing Juice
Valentia Heritage Centre Interne Passing Juice
Valentia Transatlantic Cable Station Externe Passing Juice
Valentia World Heritage Site project Externe Passing Juice
W1TP Telegraph & Scientific Instrument Museums Externe Passing Juice
the account of his diving expedition to recover early submarine cables Externe Passing Juice
Webster & Horsfall Interne Passing Juice
Weston-super-Mare and the Commercial Cable Company Externe Passing Juice
cable station archive Externe Passing Juice
A Wire Around the World Externe Passing Juice
1885 Reiss Links Sinclair Bay Cable House Interne Passing Juice
CANTAT-1 page Interne Passing Juice
Richard Willis and the Destruction of German Fortifications on Heligoland Interne Passing Juice
1893 French cable from Bundaberg, Australia to New Caledonia Interne Passing Juice
2019 Interne Passing Juice
2018 Interne Passing Juice
2017 Interne Passing Juice
2016 Interne Passing Juice
2015 Interne Passing Juice
2014 Interne Passing Juice
2013 Interne Passing Juice
2012 Interne Passing Juice
2011 Interne Passing Juice
2010 Interne Passing Juice
2009 Interne Passing Juice
2008 Interne Passing Juice
2007 Interne Passing Juice
2006 Interne Passing Juice
2005 Interne Passing Juice
2004 Interne Passing Juice
2003 Interne Passing Juice
2002 Interne Passing Juice
“Laying the Atlantic Cable” badge Interne Passing Juice
page on Jacques Babinet Interne Passing Juice
Map of the Atlantic Telegraph Communications between France, England & America Interne Passing Juice
1874 renewal of the 1861 Beachy Head - Dieppe cable Interne Passing Juice
Simplex and TAT-1 (1955) Interne Passing Juice
Cables and Core Sections, 1875-1912 Interne Passing Juice
obituary of Jacob Brett Interne Passing Juice
The Electric Telegraph: A Social and Economic History Interne Passing Juice
John Deane’s diary of the 1866 Atlantic Telegraph expedition Interne Passing Juice
St. John's, Newfoundland, as a Port of Call for Transatlantic Steamers Interne Passing Juice
request permission Interne Passing Juice
Bill Glover Interne Passing Juice
Jim Jones Interne Passing Juice
front cover Interne Passing Juice
Back to Top Interne Passing Juice


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