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The Charity Commission - GOV.UK

Longueur : 31

Parfait, votre titre contient entre 10 et 70 caractères.

We register and regulate charities in England and Wales, to ensure that the public can support charities with confidence. Charity Commission is a non-ministerial department.

Longueur : 173

Idéalement, votre balise META description devrait contenir entre 70 et 160 caractères (espaces compris). Utilisez cet outil gratuit pour calculer la longueur du texte.

Très mauvais. Nous n'avons pas trouvé de balise META keywords sur votre page. Utilisez ce générateur gratuit de balises META en ligne pour créer des mots-clés.
Propriétés Open Graph Bien, cette page profite des balises META Open Graph.
Propriété Contenu
description We register and regulate charities in England and Wales, to ensure that the public can support charities with confidence. Charity Commission is a non-ministerial department.
title The Charity Commission
type article
site_name GOV.UK
Niveaux de titre
H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6
1 17 23 0 0 0
  • [H1] The Charity Commission
  • [H2] Cookies on GOV.UK
  • [H2] His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh
  • [H2] Featured
  • [H2] Latest from The Charity Commission
  • [H2] Subscriptions
  • [H2] What The Charity Commission does
  • [H2] Documents
  • [H2] Our management
  • [H2] Contact Charity Commission
  • [H2] Make an FOI request
  • [H2] Corporate information
  • [H2] Is this page useful?
  • [H2] Coronavirus (COVID-19)
  • [H2] Brexit
  • [H2] Services and information
  • [H2] Departments and policy
  • [H2] Support links
  • [H3] Engaging with controversial or divisive issues - reflections for charities
  • [H3] Coronavirus (COVID-19) guidance for the charity sector
  • [H3] Charity Commission finds National Trust did not breach charity law
  • [H3] Regulator launches campaign to help charity trustees be “certain in uncertain times”
  • [H3] Charity regulator returns Oxfam GB to standard regulatory oversight after significant improvements on safeguarding
  • [H3] Charity Commission alerts, decisions, reports and statements
  • [H3] Subscribe to feed
  • [H3] Follow us
  • [H3] Services
  • [H3] Guidance and regulation
  • [H3] News and communications
  • [H3] Research and statistics
  • [H3] Policy papers and consultations
  • [H3] Transparency and freedom of information releases
  • [H3] Contact Centre
  • [H3] Enquiry form
  • [H3] Complain about a charity
  • [H3] Report a serious incident in your charity
  • [H3] Whistleblowing
  • [H3] Freedom of Information (FOI) requests
  • [H3] Jobs and contracts
  • [H3] Help us improve GOV.UK
  • [H3] Help us improve GOV.UK
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Ratio texte/HTML Ratio : 8%

le ratio de cette page texte/HTML est au-dessous de 15 pour cent, ce qui signifie que votre site manque de contenu textuel.
Flash Parfait, aucun contenu FLASH n'a été détecté sur cette page.
Iframe Génial, il n'y a pas d'Iframes détectés sur cette page.

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Tiret bas dans les URLs Nous avons détectés des soulignements dans vos URLs. Vous devriez plutôt utiliser des tirets pour optimiser votre référencement.
Liens dans la page Nous avons trouvé un total de 105 lien(s) dont 0 lien(s) vers des fichiers

Texte d'ancre Type Juice
View cookies Interne Passing Juice
Skip to main content Interne Passing Juice
Read about the arrangements following The Duke of Edinburgh’s death Interne Passing Juice
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Interne Passing Juice
Home Interne Passing Juice
Organisations Interne Passing Juice
Find a charity Interne Passing Juice
Online services and charity login Externe Passing Juice
Prepare and send your annual return Externe Passing Juice
Guidance Externe Passing Juice
Set up and register a charity Externe Passing Juice
Close a charity Externe Passing Juice
Complain about a charity Externe Passing Juice
Contact the Charity Commission Externe Passing Juice
Engaging with controversial or divisive issues - reflections for charities Externe Passing Juice
Coronavirus (COVID-19) guidance for the charity sector Interne Passing Juice
Charity Commission finds National Trust did not breach charity law Interne Passing Juice
Regulator launches campaign to help charity trustees be “certain in uncertain times” Interne Passing Juice
Charity regulator returns Oxfam GB to standard regulatory oversight after significant improvements on safeguarding Interne Passing Juice
Charity Commission alerts, decisions, reports and statements Interne Passing Juice
Charity regulator appoints interim manager to Beth Yosef Foundation Interne Passing Juice
When and how the Charity Commission appoints Interim Managers Interne Passing Juice
Charity Commission seeks views on updated responsible investments guidance Interne Passing Juice
See all latest documents Interne Passing Juice
Read more about what we do Interne Passing Juice
Search the charity register Interne Passing Juice
Set up a charity Interne Passing Juice
See all services Interne Passing Juice
Online services for charities Interne Passing Juice
Prepare a charity annual return Interne Passing Juice
See all guidance and regulation Interne Passing Juice
See all news and communications Interne Passing Juice
Regulating in the public interest Interne Passing Juice
Every complaint matters: a thematic review of complaints about charities Interne Passing Juice
See all research and statistics Interne Passing Juice
Charity responsible investment guidance Interne Passing Juice
See all policy papers and consultations Interne Passing Juice
Charity Commission spending over £25,000: February 2021 Interne Passing Juice
Charity Commission gender pay gap report 2020 Interne Passing Juice
See all transparency and freedom of information releases Interne Passing Juice
Helen Stephenson CBE Interne Passing Juice
Ian Karet Interne Passing Juice
Aarti Thakor Interne Passing Juice
Paul Latham Interne Passing Juice
Helen Earner Interne Passing Juice
Nick Baker Interne Passing Juice
Joanne Prowse Interne Passing Juice
Tony Cohen Interne Passing Juice
Kenneth Dibble Interne Passing Juice
Nina Hingorani-Crain Interne Passing Juice
Paul Martin CBE Interne Passing Juice
Imran Gulamhuseinwala OBE Interne Passing Juice
Will Lifford Interne Passing Juice
Contact Form: Enquiry form Interne Passing Juice
Contact Form: Complain about a charity Externe Passing Juice Externe Passing Juice Externe Passing Juice Externe Passing Juice
how to make a request Externe Passing Juice
our previous releases Interne Passing Juice
Complaints procedure Interne Passing Juice
Equality and diversity Interne Passing Juice
Accessible documents policy Interne Passing Juice
Media enquiries Interne Passing Juice
Our governance Interne Passing Juice
Working for Charity Commission Interne Passing Juice
Jobs Externe Passing Juice
Publication scheme Interne Passing Juice
Personal information charter Interne Passing Juice
Social media use Interne Passing Juice
About our services Interne Passing Juice
Check what you need to do Interne Passing Juice
Benefits Interne Passing Juice
Births, deaths, marriages and care Interne Passing Juice
Business and self-employed Interne Passing Juice
Childcare and parenting Interne Passing Juice
Citizenship and living in the UK Interne Passing Juice
Crime, justice and the law Interne Passing Juice
Disabled people Interne Passing Juice
Driving and transport Interne Passing Juice
Education and learning Interne Passing Juice
Employing people Interne Passing Juice
Environment and countryside Interne Passing Juice
Housing and local services Interne Passing Juice
Money and tax Interne Passing Juice
Passports, travel and living abroad Interne Passing Juice
Visas and immigration Interne Passing Juice
Working, jobs and pensions Interne Passing Juice
How government works Interne Passing Juice
Worldwide Interne Passing Juice
Services Interne Passing Juice
Guidance and regulation Interne Passing Juice
News and communications Interne Passing Juice
Research and statistics Interne Passing Juice
Policy papers and consultations Interne Passing Juice
Transparency and freedom of information releases Interne Passing Juice
Help Interne Passing Juice
Privacy Interne Passing Juice
Contact Interne Passing Juice
Accessibility statement Interne Passing Juice
Terms and conditions Interne Passing Juice
Rhestr o Wasanaethau Cymraeg Interne Passing Juice
Government Digital Service Externe Passing Juice
Open Government Licence Externe Passing Juice
© Crown copyright Externe Passing Juice


Nuage de mots-clefs government send information improve page services support govuk cookies help
Cohérence des mots-clefs
Mot-clef Contenu Titre Mots-clefs Description Niveaux de titre
cookies 8
govuk 8
help 5
services 5
government 5


Url Domaine :
Longueur : 24
Favicon Génial, votre site web dispose d'un favicon.
Imprimabilité Génial. L'impression est optimisée grâce aux styles CSS.
Langue Bien. Votre langue est : en.
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